

Nissuggerixxi li l-vouchers tac-coeliac ikunu jistghu jintuzaw fuq il-maggorparti tal-prodotti gluten free. Hsibt ukoll biex jinghataw somma ta flus lil ristoranti f'Malta biex ikollhom post separat fejn jistghu isajru ikel minghajr gluten,lactose u allergies ohra. Hafna nies Maltin qed isaqsu ghal dan kif ukoll barranin li huma jbatu minn dawn il kindizzjonijiet jithajru jigu hawn halli jkollhom ghazla tajba ta ristoranti fejn isibu dan it-tip ta' ikel. Grazzi 🙂


And also those who are wheat intolerant. Kamut products (Khorasan wheat) are not gluten free but are also expensive and pf a necessity as much as the gluten free products especially to the unemployed.

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