Re- introduce glass soft-drink bottles

Re- introduce glass soft-drink bottles

I suggest an agreement between the government and beverage companies in Malta to introduce one again glass soft drink bottles. Plastic is the worlds' worst enemy. I suggest a subsidy from the governments' part in order to make up for the cost of cleaning, disinfecting etc these bottles.


It's a hassle we don't need. I for one wouldn't return them. What we need is better recycling not turning the clock back to the 60's. Besides glass is unsafe in children's hands.

Too much plastic is being generated through the use of plastic bottles. We need to impose penalties on suppliers who today do not have a glass collection policy

Trust me you wouldn't need to return them yourself, I myself never did however there were people who eagerly collected as much as they could in order to collect some money. With regards to taxes, it could be done the other way round as Mr. Fenech said and instead of subsidies, penalties would be introduced. Plastic is our number one enemy, how you are saying that this measure is taking us back in time is beyond my knowledge.

re introduce glass soft-drink and water bottles please

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