Haddiema barranin f'Servizz Publiku jridu jitghalmu l-Malti

Haddiema barranin f'Servizz Publiku jridu jitghalmu l-Malti

Haddiema barranin b'kuntratt ta izjed min sena f'Servizz Publiku bhal tobba, infermiera u haddiema ohra f'sptarijiet tal-Gvern ghandhom jattendu klassijiet tal-Malti biex il-pazjenti Maltin ikunu assigurati li qedin jinghataw l-kura mehtiega. Kien hemm kazijiet serji minhabba in-nuqqas ta ftehim sew bejn pazjent u nfermier/tabib barrani.


I do not think that we should refuse the services of good qualified foreign professionals by insisting that they compulsorily learn the Maltese language , although understanding and speaking Maltese language would be a help. I would however require that they speak and understand well the English language and that they should be accompanied by Maltese officials whenever patients ask for help because of language difficulties.

Naqbel li m'għandux ikun prerequisite imma għandu jkun imħeġġeġ. Dan għandu jkun għodd ukoll għall-immigranti u għal uliedhom tal-ewwel ġenerazzjoni.

I agree that they should learn the Maltese langauge. It is not fair to put old age patients at a great disadvantge by not being able to express themselves in their native language. Whoever wants to make a living in our country should fully integrate into our society, by making it compulsory for them to have a good command and speak well the English language and can understand the Maltese language. To have a Maltese accompanying them is a waste of money and precious time.i

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