faccati ta djar mahmugin

faccati ta djar  mahmugin

Jien nixtieq illi il-gvern jaghmel xi haga biex il-faccati tad-djar maghluqin (anke dawk li jintuzaw) jkunu suriet in-nies u mhux ikerhu it-toroq maltin, specjalment fill- 'Village cores'. Hawn hafna djar maghluqin u koroh kollha diesel u hmieg u zebgha mqaxxra. Is-sidien iridu jiehdu hsiebhom estetikament ghallinqas. Jekk le, il-gvern jirrestawrhom hu, u fuq dik id-dar ikun hemm boll ta' l-ispejjez ..meta xi darba tinbieh. Mhux is-sidien jigu jit%":ku ghax id-dar mhux qedgha quddiem wicchom


If the people occupying the house cannot afford it then the state should land a hand. We have some derelect hous in our area and often they are broken into by squatters. The owners should be traced to take care of his property.

Jekk ikunu kbar fl-etá u sahhithom ma tippermettilhomx, m'hemmx x'taghmel, jew jekk il-finanzi iriduhom ghal sahhithom-xiri ta' medicina e.g. Issa tixjieh int jekk Alla jrid u tkun taf

Ghandu ikun hemm incentiv fuq restawr ta faccati, spejjes kullhadt ikollu.

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