Invest in cultural infrastructure & facilities we deserve

Invest in cultural infrastructure & facilities we deserve

Invest in our cultural infrastructure that over time will include a new national theatre, a museum for modern and contemporary art, and an architecture and design centre. We will support the cultural and creative sectors to ensure that they benefit from stability and continuity.


Ili snin nissugerixxi li fmalta ikun hawn Conservatoir de malte li jkun hub ghal mediterran, ghal lewropa. Dan ikun jikkonsisti drama, muzika, arti, zfin konservatorju jkun sostenibbli u residenzjali, jitmexxa minn bniedem li diga ghandu esperjenza ta konservatorju, ghalhekk barrani, ta esperjenza mondjali. Skola bhal skola bhal skolasport hi haga tajba. l konservatorju huwa xi haga izjed minn hekk. ktibt kemm il darba lil prim ministri u ministri tal edukazzjoni. AFX TROISI DE MENVILLE

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